The bk Group supercharger lounge mystery (#R15)
Not a rant, just me being puzzled about something random.
So, this entire week was just a blur, with Monday being a public holiday, and the rest revolving around car troubles – mainly, but not limited to, the fourth punctured tire since I bought it. I visited the Tesla specialist Nik’s Garage in Erlangen shortly after that got fixed, Erlangen isn’t too far away from Nürnberg/Nuremberg where I picked up some wood for a furniture project, and since I got all the time in the world after that, I also made sure to visit *ALL THE SUPERCHARGERS* in the vicinity – except for the one in Geiselwind, which I have already used a couple times. […]
Disqus and their WordPress integration are a joke (#E18F1)
There, I said it. I did use stronger wording in the first revision, though.
In no particular order:
Disabling the plugin and re-enabling breaks the comment integration. The three comments made via Disqus are still available on their page, they can still be exported to an XML file that cannot be imported anywhere, but they don’t show up here. That’s a fundamental no-go. It’s broken if it cannot do that. I will not enter a vendor lock-in when my benefits are ads over which I have no control or paying 132 bucks a year.
The Disqus plugin settings menu is utterly pointless if something goes wrong. […]