Month: August 2017

A beefy electronic load (#P4F2)

Hello again!

I’ve been asked: What do you do with this electronic load thing? Well, I‘ve been using it as a battery torture device, what else could you do with a variable resistance device…

For a crude first step in actually testing my unit and also classifying a newly harvested set of deeply discharged 18650 cells, I slapped together some minimalistic Arduino program and hooked the thing up in parallel to the battery under test. The electronic load was set to 2 Amps with another battery, which was monitored by the Uni-T 203A current clamp. […]

A beefy electronic load (#P4F1)

Well, that was a long week…actually, it was a fortnight ;)

Here we go!

(the alignment of images really sucks when placed near the header of the post – thanks WordPress!)

So this puppy was manufactured by my new friends over at OSH Park (ordinary order, no extras) and I think I hit the express jackpot. I registered on June 8th and submitted my files – three hours later (1 AM my time on Friday) I already got notice of the panel assignment. Maybe the small size of 54mm x 31mm (2.1″ by 1.2″ for the Yankees out there) just made a perfect fit on the remaining board size and they sent it straight to production ;) As OSH Park charges 5 dollars per square inch of board area (for three units!), […]