Month: November 2022

Noname LED bike helmet autopsy (WHL #81)

Chinese junk that appeared on my work bench this week!

Well – it’s a bike helmet. An LED bike helmet. A colleague brought it over and asked if I could install an USB type-C port since he (or his wife?) brutally murdered the micro USB in the back. Sure, pinouts are basically identical and access to the thing is darn easy. Oh, no, they’re not.

Turns out this thing can be tossed, since he doesn’t want her to use a nonfunctional LED helmet that furthermore still has a ticking lithium time bomb in it. So I did, after extracting all the goodness shown below. […]

The WHL Director of Human Resources (#R17)

We at Wan Hung Lo Enterprises have grown considerably over the years. Our new director of HR (so high up he doesn’t even need a name) now sends out strange mails to the peasants that also don’t have a name, not even a number…

Wait a minute, it’s still me running the whole show, TF is that?

Well, looks like Titan Technology (the cooler and fan specialists that were pretty popular fifteen years ago – still in business!) might have lost a bit of their customer database. I think I enquired a long time ago for a datasheet and needed to provide an email address for that; it’s not the one shown below, this mail was received by the catchall option that typically categorizes those mails as spam right away. […]