Month: February 2022

Mellanox ConnectX-3 metal brackets (WHL #42F2)

No real content this week, just a quick PSA that metal brackets for the ConnectX-3 MCX311A-XCAT 10GbE cards are now available from Chinese sources at very reasonable prices.
The former 3D printed bracket(s) worked fine for more than three years, but always stood out and also required a longer screw due to the material thickness. Finally someone is selling these as metal parts – I don’t think they are original ones as they could be deburred a bit better, but as long as they fit, it’ll do. Available on eBay from multiple sellers already, mine was 4.39 USD including shipping and local 19% VAT. […]

Samsung USB 3.1 Flash Drive BAR Plus MUF-256BE3/EU – further degradation(WHL #45F1)

Well here’s a first :lol:
I’m about to RMA a piece of hardware, and I needed performance data from when the thing was new. Probably got a screenshot from back then, but searching for it on a machine that is inconvenient to access…just search the interwebs instead. And so I did, and entered the Google image search, and found what I needed. Yeah, turns out I just found my very own website. :unsure:

So, here’s the culprit again:

It’s not used that often, currently holds 110GB of WSUS data and some deep learning test dataset, so almost half of the drive is empty and performance is getting worse. […]