Tag: esp8266

ESP8266-DHT22-SR501 kitchen lights thingamabob PCB (#P7F1)

Alright, software aside, back to hardware…

The ESP module shown in #P7 slowly gathers dust in my kitchen, which is tolerable for a few weeks, but that’s not the solution I want long-term. Also, it’s on a separate power brick, meaning there are two microcontrollers running in my kitchen for doing fancy light switches and some air quality logging for twice the standby current. Nope, has to go, needs to be consolidated into one unit.

So a while back I designed this PCB and ordered it (once again) at OSH Park, together with some teeny-tiny DIP adapters that cost next to nothing. […]

DHT22 WiFi (ESP8266) temperature/humidity loggers (#P7)

Guess who was busy and also did not prepare a post in advance? Yeah, lazy me :mrgreen:

Well, let’s pick up some project that I’m deploying slowly around my flat. I intend to run five of these devices, one with some light meter and maybe other outdoor sensors, the others will be indoors. I’ve been running the early prototype for quite some while now, doubling as a Blynk gateway to some LED strips in the liquor cabinet (yeah, I called it Boozy McBoozeface for a reason). Accessing lights at home from far away isn’t that important to me, so once I have time to install some more touch buttons, that one will be no longer running Blynk, probably eliminating some timing/connectivity issues. […]

Waveshare 400×300 4.2″ three-color SPI E-Ink / E-Paper display module (WHL #38)

Bit of an upmarket item for today, not the usual Wan Hung Lo…had the honour to make that thing display some demo content for a side project at work. So…why not take some photos, publish the code, and get ahold of a similar unit for use at home?

So this is an e-Paper / e-Ink display, actually a module that consists of the display unit itself and a base PCB that takes the flimsy flat-flex connector, adds some passives and presents a more sturdy interface to the microcontroller that will be handling the thing. Also, the PCB is large enough to offer mount points on each corner. […]