Tag: libraries

Useful Arduino libraries (#E10)

Here’s a random thing: I’m currently tidying up work projects and I decided to stick all Arduino (and later: Kicad) libraries into one company git repository to not only back up local progress, but also to make it easier to sync a few lesser used machines with my main one. And as I often ping back and forth with my home gear (yes, idiots like me like to tinker at home as well), I always run into troubles manually syncing those.

git submodule add does a great job here – no need to upload all stuff to the main git, it’ll record independent submodules and clone them as required. […]

Waveshare 400×300 4.2″ three-color SPI E-Ink / E-Paper display module (WHL #38)

Bit of an upmarket item for today, not the usual Wan Hung Lo…had the honour to make that thing display some demo content for a side project at work. So…why not take some photos, publish the code, and get ahold of a similar unit for use at home?

So this is an e-Paper / e-Ink display, actually a module that consists of the display unit itself and a base PCB that takes the flimsy flat-flex connector, adds some passives and presents a more sturdy interface to the microcontroller that will be handling the thing. Also, the PCB is large enough to offer mount points on each corner. […]