Back! Well, sort of… (#E4)
Hey folks, I’m back!
Two months off the blog seemed like a long time, but actually it wasn’t. After filing taxes and hosting my brother for a week, I also got snail mail from the long-forgotten dispute with the German propaganda agency “ARD ZDF Deutschlandradio Beitragsservice”, formerly known as GEZ. And as they finally decided (after 1.5 years!) that they don’t care about my arguments and they also snooped my new address from the registration office, they let me know. I had the choice between accepting paying 18€ A MONTH for one-sided fake news that I don’t listen to (not even having a TV or radio to do so) or to start a pointless legal battle – so I went to court to just do that. When it comes to GEZ charges, the judges are somehow very defensive and protective about the current unfair, unsocial legislation, and people battling this are now up to the federal administrative court, where they lost once again. Now they march to the federal constitutional court, which will be the last (highest) possible court on a national level. Well, until then, the local bailiff has to collect my propaganda taxes, I will not pay a dime by choice. And if you want to see what mess Germany has become in a more general sense, have a look at the G20 in Hamburg.
What does this have to do with electronics, you ask? Well, I ordered some PCBs at OSH Park and some more bits and pieces from AliExpress in the mean time. They all take time to arrive, even though some are much faster than others. I guess I will start posting bi-weekly now, as I will have to dig deeper for some projects and also I’m about to start looking for another job. Maybe some HR guy (or gal) is even browsing these pages because of the unusual mail address of my application? If so – hey, you, hire me!
See you at the next project!