Category: 3d printing

eSUN 3D Printer Flexible TPE 83A Filament 1.75mm Dimensional Accuracy +/- 0.05mm 1KG (2.2 LBS) Spool 3D Printing Material (WHL #103)

Printer filament. Well, not directly, but in a way.

I guess this could also be a rant since it’s not about the filament itself, but more an issue of packaging. This concerns eSun, which I avoid because of this, but for this very filament, I needed to buy eSun.

eSun makes TPU (they call it TPE, same thing really) filament in 83A shore hardness. I don’t think anyone else does, and very few do similar materials, especially in the 1.75mm DIY filament diameter and not for industrial use in the 3mm realm. The smaller the number, the softer the material is. […]

Improved OpenSCAD battery holder script (BigClive) (WHL #97)

A while back, BigClive used to share OpenSCAD snippets in a lot of his DIY videos, allowing viewers to print (and modify) things that he figured out for the specific video. One of those was the battery holder script, a simple array of square-packed cylinders that were hollowed out from one side, in order to, well, hold things like batteries, or hex bits, or screwdrivers, or …

I recently had the urge to store a bunch of batteries in a nice way and began modifying the simple 33-line script. Couple of viewers already suggested changes like center holes, and since OpenSCAD scripts are just plain text, they were able to share their modifications in the comment section. […]

Kautschuk Platten Dämmmatten selbstklebend Isolierung XT | 32mm Dämmdicke (WHL #93)

Back to 3D printing for a bit – still lots of changes to the printer, but this one might be interesting to a wider audience: Thermal insulation of the print bed (hard data at the very end of this post!).

You see, the stock Ender 5 Plus printer bed comes pre-“insulated”:

Soo…that is a 3mm mat of black foam material that is glued down with some obnoxious acetone-soluble gunk, and garnished with a bit of aluminium foil on top. Yup, certainly better than nothing, but it doesn’t even cover the entire area, it’s just inside of the mounting frame. […]

Ancient Sunlu PLA+ yellow (WHL #90)

After all that Geeetech bashing, here’s something for you, Sunlu fanbois! Sunlu PLA+ yellow!

Dammit, spoiled the results already…

Okay, here’s the deal: That stuff was given to me by a colleague who told me this is the worst printer filament he has ever laid eyes on. It’s stringing a gram of material for every gram of material printed. And I said: OK… (challenge accepted!)

The very same guy also gave me one of those half-kg spools of TPU quite a while ago and said it’s difficult to print and doesn’t look all that nice. […]

More GEEETECH 1kg 1.75mm 1KG(2.2LBS) Pure PETG, 3D Printer Filament, Vacuum Packaging,Tangle-Free, 3d printing materials (WHL #89F2)

Results are in!

In the last blog post #89, I showcased my rookie mistake of printing large objects across two spools of filament. Yeah, it still sticks together, but there’s warping (hence a large crack) and a color mismatch.

Since then, I printed a couple more of these ducts. And I contacted Geeetech (no complaint or formal refund process, just plain messages to the seller) in parallel to resolve this issue.

Let’s start with the mail exchange. Generally, those are very nice folks. Some sellers require significant pressure to offer a customer-friendly solution; most of the time, those sellers *know* they’re selling subpar shite and aren’t too keen on keeping an unsatisfied customer. […]

Batches of GEEETECH 1kg 1.75mm PETG 3D Printer Filament Vacuum Packaging Overseas Warehouses Fast Ship (WHL #89)

Well, this might be obvious for everyone that has been into 3D printing for a long time, but I completely fell for it.
For a current project that’ll take a couple kilograms of material in chunks of like 500 to 700g, and the recent singles day/11.11. sales frenzy, I bought (among other spools) 3x 1kg of Geeetech PETG white. I previously bought a single roll of that exact “700-001-1310” stuff, so I figured I could just print one of the parts for as long as the filament lasts, and then simply switch over to the new spool.

Of course I was mistaken. […]