Tag: openscad

Improved OpenSCAD battery holder script (BigClive) (WHL #97)

A while back, BigClive used to share OpenSCAD snippets in a lot of his DIY videos, allowing viewers to print (and modify) things that he figured out for the specific video. One of those was the battery holder script, a simple array of square-packed cylinders that were hollowed out from one side, in order to, well, hold things like batteries, or hex bits, or screwdrivers, or …

I recently had the urge to store a bunch of batteries in a nice way and began modifying the simple 33-line script. Couple of viewers already suggested changes like center holes, and since OpenSCAD scripts are just plain text, they were able to share their modifications in the comment section. […]

RIP RS DesignSpark Mechanical (#R19)


It looks like RS has pulled the plug on the free Designspark Mechanical 3D modelling software. I’ve only been using it for about three years, starting right on the transition from DSM4 to DSM5, but I spent countless hours with it, making or editing probably close to 100 models, plus opening hundreds more, e.g. recently checking electronic component STEP files before importing them into Altium. OpenSCAD doesn’t really work for complex geometries, and Sketchup, later Google Sketchup, was quickly dismissed when I tried DSM – it’s simply inferior software, at least, it was back in ~2019/2020, plus Google als tried monetizing it at that point. […]

Tiny customizable OpenSCAD CPU shipping boxes (#P38)

Shipping season is here. For no good reason people start terrorizing the logistics companies and I’m probably one of them. Difference being: I need to get rid of stuff, not buy more. I need to ship items.

For quite some time now I’m fond of the idea of OpenSCAD as a STL file generator. While elaborate 3D designs with multiple levels of rounded edges and polynomial madness in three dimensions are better created in graphic tools such as DesignSpark, I don’t find them all that pleasing when making simple geometric shapes that need the occasional modification. […]