Tag: 60-40

250g-500g 1/0.5mm Lötzinn Lötdraht Löt mit Flussmittel Lötkolben Lötstation DHL (WHL #68F1)

(Follow-up post to the solder test of WHL #68)
While we’re at it – I couldn’t resist testing the flux percentage. Which also resulted in having large samples for a visual comparison. Contrary to my expectations, the lead-free solder wasn’t the one that stood out…

First things first. New batch, same naming scheme as before. Since I already measured weight per meter, I just picked one sample length from a (new) lead-free U1.0 wire and cut the others to expected length. 100cm of that stuff is 5.42(196)g, for comparison. […]

250g-500g 1/0.5mm Lötzinn Lötdraht Löt mit Flussmittel Lötkolben Lötstation DHL (WHL #68)

(Updated, see note at the bottom)
A fancy German item description for today, as I got it second-hand after even a soldering novice noticed this is total BS. “250g-500g 1/0.5mm Solder Solder Wire Solder with Flux Soldering Iron Soldering Station DHL” would be the closest translation. It’s solder – fake Wan Hung Lo leaded solder. Sold on eBay (probably all over the world), not even super cheap at 14€ a roll (250g, large diameter).

It is labelled “JINHU SOLDER CORE WIRE”, Type CF-10 Model B-1, comes in diameters of 0.3/0.4/0.5/0.6/0.8/1.0/1.2/1.5/2.0/2.3 (not necessarily true) with 2.0% flux (probably also not true), and proudly states “MADE IN CHINA”. […]

150W Welding Repair Tool Titanium Plating Lead-Free Solder Pot Adjustable Temperature Tin Furnace with EU plug (WHL #48)

What’s worse than lead-free solder? Lead doped lead-free solder… :roll:

Today’s item is a “500g” solder pot that I bought during the Christmas/annual leave shopping spree mid-December for 12.06 USD including shipping on AliExpress. Prices have even dropped a bit since then.

I’ve always been collecting residue from desoldering stuff as I want to minimize contaminating ordinary trash with lead. Not on a crazy level like the EU tries forcing us to, but if I can avoid PCBs and electronic components getting mixed with domestic waste, I’ll keep them separate. […]