Tag: eagle

RIP Cadsoft/Autodesk Eagle (#R20)

Oh well, looks like we got another piece of software to mourn for…good ol’ Eagle is no more!

Autodesk announced in a recent blog post:

Effective June 7, 2026, Autodesk will no longer sell or support EAGLE. Moving forward, we will continue to invest our energy in Fusion 360 Electronics.

(Note that it says 2026: That’s the end of the support. However, nobody sane will buy into that package from now on and switch again with all their projects in less than three years…)

Sure, the announcement itself was a surprise, but the path was clear once Autodesk tried squeezing out money. […]

New at Wan Hung Lo: Open Source Hardware! Presenting the USB A-to-Micro bridge (WHL #4) (updated)

Oh well, I already announced it’s gonna be fake. But the other way round ;)

A while back, I saw the USB A-to-Micro bridge from youritronics. I already own one of these medium quality USB power meters that display voltage and current in an alternating fashion every few seconds. But complete control over power, data lines and also shielding is new. So I wanted one. In the short comment section however, someone noted that the signal routing probably isn’t the best. I had some spare time after Christmas this year, and I also wanted to test the Platinensammler (PCB aggregator) service from Jakob Kleinen. […]