Tag: esd

Bosch (BSH) spare part packaging (#R24)

Hey Bosch!

Very recently, I repaired the induction cooktop of a former coworker. Bosch/Schott branded (PXV995DC1E?), large 90×50 field with 5+2 zones, somewhat on the more expensive side of things, but likely also available from the other BSH brands like Siemens, Neff, or Constructa. The fault was a partially unresponsive touchy-feely interface, and since those cooktops do not have separate hardware buttons and knobs, it’s a bit of a problem when more and more buttons die. Especially the one that turns everything on and off, but also heating on full throttle all the time isn’t very helpful. […]

Shootout: Antistatic ESD Wrist Discharge Band Grounding Prevent Static Shock Red vs. Pollin ESD Wristband vs. Vermason (WHL #3)

Pew pew!

Today, I have some ESD wrist straps ready for testing. While everybody in electronics is aware of the magic smoke escape problem (once it’s gone, it is very difficult to fill it back into your IC), electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection isn’t always first priority. I do save you from links to an east european “hacker” that employs high standards in this area ;) However, I’d like to link to NASA and the chip manufacturer Maxim that have some helpful sites about ESD. And, trust me, they do care about reliability of their products – which is why they do their best to prevent component defects or weakening by ESD. […]